Saving Graces

1. Saving graces are karpos, the "fruit" or fruits "of the Spirit," Gal. v. 22; Eph. v. 9; Phil. i. 11. Now, fruits proceed from an abiding root and stock, of whose nature they do partake. There must be a "good tree" to bring forth "good fruit," Matt. xii. 33. No external watering or applications unto the earth will cause it to bring forth useful fruits, unless there are roots from which they spring and are educed. The Holy Spirit is as the root unto these fruits; the root which bears them, and which they do not bear, as Rom. xi. 18. Therefore, in order of nature, is he given unto men before the production of any of these fruits. Thereby are they ingrafted into the olive, are made such branches in Christ, the true vine, as derive vital juice, nourishment, and fructifying virtue from him, even by the Spirit. So is he "a well of water springing up into everlasting life," John iv. 14. He is a spring in believers; and all saving graces are but waters arising from that living, overflowing spring. From him, as a root or spring, as an eternal virtue, power, or principle, do all these fruits come. To this end doth he dwell in them and abide with them, according to the promise of our Lord Jesus Christ, John xiv. 17; Rom. viii. 11; 1 Cor. iii. 16; whereby the Lord Christ effecteth his purpose in "ordaining his disciples to bring forth fruit" that should "remain," John xv. 16. In the place of his holy residence, he worketh these effects freely, according to his own will. And there is nothing that hath the true nature of saving grace but what is so a fruit of the Spirit. We have not first these graces, and then by virtue of them receive the Spirit, (for whence should we have them of ourselves?) but the Spirit bestowed on us worketh them in us, and gives them a spiritual, divine nature, in conformity unto his own. John Owen


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