As the dew of Hermon. Psalm 133:3

. The spirit of brotherhood like dew David I. Brotherly love is SILENT, NOT DEMONSTRATIVE. Nothing in nature is more silent than the dew. The rain rattles, the wind howls, and the ocean booms, but the dew descends serenely and unheard. Genuine love is never noisy. The deepest emotions are always the most silent; the shallowest the most tumultuous. II. Brotherly love is VITAL, NOT MECHANICAL How refreshing is the dew! It gives new life and verdure to all it touches. Brotherly love is independent of organizations, it is independent of all social mechanisms. III. Brotherly love is DIVINE RATHER THAN HUMAN. Whence comes the dewy It descends from above. All true love comes from God, as all light from the sun. (David Thomas, D. D.)


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