The grace of God that bringeth salvation, hath appeared to all men. Titus 2:11.

The grace of God that bringeth salvation, hath appeared to all men. Titus 2:11. Here are three blessed and glorious truths. They demand the constant attention of our minds: they tend to sink into the deepest humility of heart, to excite the greatest joy of spirit, and to inspire the most ardent love and gratitude of soul. (1st.) Salvation. This was the council of heaven; the work of the Son of God; the wonder of angels; the envy of devils, and the glory of apostate, rebellious sinners—sinners, who were born with enmity of heart, rebellion of will, and hatred of affections against God: and who have manifested the enmity of their mind by wicked works; the rebellion of their will, by taking arms against the Lord; and the hatred of their affections, by refusing to lay them down, and submit unto him. O that precious word! full of wonder, grace, and love; “God commendeth his love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us; when we were enemies, we yet sinners, Christ died for us; when we were enemies, we 10.) This is a salvation worthy a God of infinite love to bestow. Here is a Saviour, worthy to be received with all readiness of mind, to be embraced with the most cordial affection, and to be gloried in, as the richest blessing, by lost, hopeless, ruined sinners. For, (2d.) This salvation is brought to us. The news of it is sounded in our ears: the report of it is daily made to us. It is displayed and set before us, in all its glory, richness, freeness, and fulness in the gospel, that we may receive it, and enjoy the comforts of it; take it as our own, and rejoice in the salvation of our God. (3dly.) It is brought to us by the grace of God, which hath appeared. Where? in the person of the Son of his love; and in the gospel of his grace. There, the grace of God appears: there, the salvation of Jehovah shines forth, and is made manifest to all men; to all descriptions of men, Jews and Gentiles. Therefore, it is revealed as a free and full salvation; worthy of all acceptation; free from all limitation and restriction. Paul speaks of “knowing the grace of God in truth.” (Col. 1:6.) This is done, when any convinced sinner receives and believes in the gospel: it then becomes the power of God to salvation to that poor sinner’s soul. He then knows the free favour of God in Christ Jesus. Christ is all his salvation and all his desire. That dear Spirit, who hath convinced him of sin, and enlightened him to see gospel truths and gospel grace, will comfort him by them. Hath the grace of God thus appeared to thee? Hath it brought salvation to thy soul? Dost thou believe the gospel? Then, take heed of mixing any work or duty of thy own, with thy faith and hope in the grace of God and salvation of Jesus. For this were to degrade both, and bring thy soul into bondage to the law of works.William Mason


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