
The doctrines of Christ’s incarnation, death, resurrection, ascension and intercession in heaven for us. And these are the main pillars both of our faith and comfort. Take away these, and take away our lives too, for these are the springs of all joy and comfort to the people of God, . His incarnation was necessary to capacitate him for his mediatorial work: It was not only a part of it, but such a part, without which he could discharge no other part of it. This was the wonder of men and angels, . A God incarnate is the world’s wonder; no condescension like this, , . The death of Christ has the nature and respect of a ransom, or equivalent price laid down to the justice of God for our redemption, . . It brought our souls from under the curse, and purchased for them everlasting blessedness, , . The resurrection of Christ from the dead has the nature both of a testimony of his finishing the work of our redemption, and the Father’s full satisfaction therein, . and of a principle of our resurrection to eternal life, . The ascension of Christ into heaven was in the capacity and relation of a forerunner, . it was to prepare places for the redeemed, who were to come after him to glory in their several generations, ,. The intercession of Christ in heaven, is for the security of our purchased inheritance to us, and to prevent any new breaches which might be made by our sins, whereby it might be forfeited, and we divested of it again, , . All these jointly make up the foundation of our faith and hope of glory: But if our souls perish, or be annihilated at death, our faith, hope, and comforts, are all delusions, vain dreams, which do but amuse our fond imaginations.John Flavel


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