Psalm 132:17 A lamp ordained for God's anointed

E. Erskine. I. CHRIST AS GOD'S ANOINTED, 1. He is a Redeemer and Saviour of God's choosing. 2. Called and sent of God. 3. Prophet, Priest, and King of His Church. 4. Thoroughly fitted and furnished for His work, by an unmeasurable effusion of the Holy Spirit. II. THE LAMP THAT GOD HAS ORDAINED. 1. This lamp was first set up in the purpose of God from eternity, or in the council of peace, when the whole plan of salvation through Christ was laid. 2. This lamp was first lighted in this louver world, immediately after the fall in paradise; when a dark and dismal night of woe and misery was spreading itself over our first parents, then a gleam of light began to break out in the first promise (Genesis 3:15): and afterwards unto Abraham (Genesis 22:18). 3. The lamp of the Gospel shone typically and prophetically during all the Old Testament period, before the coming of Christ in the flesh. It shone, as it were, under a veil, and only among the Jews. 4. After the coming of Christ in the flesh, and His resurrection and ascension into heaven, the lamp of Gospel light was brightened, and the light of it was made more general and extensive. The veil of types, ceremonies, and prophecies, was rent, and, by the commandment of the everlasting God, carried unto all nations for the obedience of faith, Christ being given of God for (Acts 13:47). 5. Ministers of the Gospel are, as it were, the lamp bearers. They are commissioned by Christ, to preach the Gospel, to teach all nations. III. THE ORDINATION OF THIS LAMP. 1. God has ordained the places and parts of the world where it shall be set up and shine (Romans 11:33). 2. As He ordained the places where the lamp shall be set up, so He ordained how long it should shine, before it be lifted to another part of the earth. He ordained how long it should shine among the Jews, viz. until Christ came. He ordained how long it should shine in the Churches of Asia, before He came and removed His candlestick. He has ordained how long the Gospel and a faithful ministry shall stay in any parish or congregation also. 3. He has ordained what souls or persons shall be converted, edified, or built up, by the Gospel: when He sends it unto any nation or congregation of Zion (that is, the place where the Gospel-lamp is set up), "it shall be said this man and that man was born there," etc. 4. He ordains by what instrument or minister the Gospel-lamp shall be brought unto a people or particular person. Paul is ordained for the Gentiles, Peter for the Jews, and every one of the apostles and other ministers, led by the ruling hand of the sovereign Lord, to labour in this, or that, or the other spot of His vineyard. 5. He ordains what fruit and success a minister with his lamp shall have, what number of souls shall be edified, and who shall be hardened and blinded by His light. (E. Erskine.)


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