Holy Life

" He that eateth and drinketh of the water that Christ will give him, shall never thirst*." But from the very commencement of the divine life, all earthly things sink in the Christian's estimation, and are accounted as dung and dross in comparison of the Divine image. In this sense " Christ is all" to him b: and he can say, "Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire in comparison of thee."] 2. Constantly— [While other desires remain in the heart, they will of course occasionally rise in opposition to the better principle: but the prevailing desire of the soul is after holiness. "The flesh may lust against the Spirit," and seem for a moment to triumph over it: but " the Spirit will lust and strive against the flesh 0," till it has vanquished its rebellious motions. The needle may be driven by violence from its accustomed position: but its attractions are ever towards the pole; and it will never rest till it has resumed its wonted place. Robert Leighton


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