The Lords Supper

When the Jews, according to God’s appointment, observed the Passover yearly throughout their generations, it was supposed that their children would ask them, ‘‘What mean you by this service?” (Exo 12:26), and they were directed what answer to give to that enquiry. The question may very fitly be asked concerning our gospel passover: What mean we by this service? We come together in a public and select assembly of baptized Christians, under the conduct and presidency of a gospel minister; we take bread and wine, sanctified by the Word and prayer (1Ti 4:5); and we eat and drink together in a solemn religious manner, with an eye to a divine institution as our warrant28 and rule in so doing. This we do often; this all the churches of Christ do, and have done in every age from the death of Christ down to this day. We doubt not but it will continue to be done till time shall be no more. Now, what is the true intent and meaning of this ordinance? What did Christ design it for in the institution of it? And what must we aim at in the observation of it? It was appointed to be a commemorating ordinance, a confessing ordinance, a communicating ordinance, and a covenanting ordinance. 1 Matthew Henry


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