Return unto they rest, O my soul! Let the sweet cadence of this “word of Jesus” steal on thee amid the disquietudes of earth. Sheltered in Him, thou art safe for time, safe for eternity! There may be, and will be, temporary tossings, fears, and misgivings, – manifestations of inward corruption; but these will only be like the surface heavings of the ocean, while underneath there is a deep, settled calm. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace” (lit. peace, peace) “whose mind is stayed on Thee.” In the world it is care on care, trouble on trouble, sin on sin; but every wave that breaks on the believer’s soul seems sweetly to murmur, “Peace, peace!” And if the foretaste of this rest be precious, what must be the glorious consummation? Awakening in the morning of immortality, with the unquiet dream of earth over – faith lost in sight, and hope in fruition; – no more any bias to sin – no more latent principles of evil – nothing to disturb the spirit’s deep, everlasting tranquility – the trembling magnet of the heart reposing where alone it can confidently and permanently rest, in the enjoyment of the Infinite God. “THESE THINGS HAVE I SPOKEN UNTO YOU, THAT IN ME YE MIGHT HAVE PEACE.” J R Macduff


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