Time of need

 In preparing for a time of need, be careful to keep your consciences clean. There is no worse company in an evil day, than an evil conscience. It is worse company than the devil's. His company is that of a tempter and accuser; but an evil conscience is a judge condemning, and an executioner tormenting a man. Therefore herein excise yourselves, to have a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men, Acts xxiv. 16. It is usually seen, that times of great trials do dart in some light into mend consciences, and do make men look into their hearts and ways more narrowly, and spy small faults that they could not see at other times; for they are days of darkness in one sense, and days of light in another. Study therefore to keep thy conscience clean and pure, by holy and tender walking, and by daily believing; for it is the blood of Christ that only can purge the conscience from dead works to serve the living God, Heb. ix. 14. And let me assure you of this, (and if you will not believe it, I dare say you will feel it, and feel it the more then, if you believe it not now), that such as make all their care about their consciences to stand in watchfulness about their hearts and ways, and are utterly estranged from believing applications to the blood of Jesus, when an evil day and an evil conscience meet together, (and meet they will), that they will be in a sad and dreadful confusion. And no better will their condition be, who, upon a false pretence (and in this case it is always false) of trusting in Christ, have no care either of their conscience or conversation. The mystery of the faith is to be held (and kept) in a pure conscience, 1 Tim. i. 19. We should hold faith and a good conscience, 1 Tim. iii. 9. They cannot be got, nor kept, but together. Whoever suffers shipwreck of the one, closet the other. Christ is the Saviour of sinners; but he is no minister of sin, Gal. ii. 17. He came into the world to save sinners, 1 Tim. i. 15.: not to save saints; for there are none in it, but of his making: and his making sinners to be saints, is a notable part of his saving, 2 Tim. i. 9. The inheritance is for them that obtain forgiveness of sins, and who are sanctified by faith in him, Acts xxvi. 18. None are saved but the sanctified; and none are sanctified but by faith in Christ Jesus. There may be in an unbeliever a picture and shadow of holiness: but it is an abomination in the sight of God; whatever the man that hath it, or they that see it, may think of it. A holy unbeliever, or an unholy believer, never was since the world began, nor will be while it lasts. Robert Traill


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