Glory of the Lord

 Sometimes the Lord manifests his glory to his people at their dying. And it is then very desire able. Old Simeon had a gracious promise, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ. He ch used a sweet season of dying, when the promise was fulfilled, and when he had Christ in his arms, and faith and love in his heart bursting out into a song, Luke ii. 27,—29. The first martyr, Stephen, died happily; he died witnessing for Christ: and Christ witnessed for him, when the martyr said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God, Acts vii. 55, 56. This was better than Moses's dying, xxxii. 49, SO. and xxxiv. 1,-5. It was a strange journey and call, Go up and die, and only take a view of the land that he must not enter into. He saw the land of Canaan, and that was all: but he saw by faith the true Canaan, and entered into it; and there abide still; save one errand Moses was sent upon with Elias, to wait on their Master on the mount of transfiguration, Matt h. xvii. 3. Robert Traill


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