JThe Lion of the tribe of Judah

I. JESUS IS CALLED A LION BECAUSE OF THE UNPARALLELED COURAGE WHICH BELONGS TO HIM. The work which He undertook to execute was one of incomparable magnitude. Had it been proposed to the mightiest archangel that stands before God's throne, he would have shrunk in timidity from the task. For what was it? It was to reconcile things apparently incongruous, and to perform things apparently impossible. It was to satisfy the demands of justice, and yet, at the same time, yield abundant scope for the exercise of mercy. It was to secure pardon to a condemned race, and yet maintain inviolate the honour of the law which had sentenced them to condemnation. And, in addition to all this, it was to combat single-handed the powers and principalities of hell. Who among the sons of the mighty could have presumed that he was equal to such a work? And yet, behold, in the fulness of time, One born of a woman undertakes this mighty office. The difficulties and dangers of the work were not hidden from Him. Yet did not the prospect, awful as it was, deter Him from engaging in the service. Nor, when the very worst was immediately in view, did it shake the intrepidity of His purpose. Of His courage, even as of His love, it may be said that it was "stronger than death."

II. COURAGE, HOWEVER, AS WE ALL KNOW, MAY RESIDE IN A BOSOM TO WHICH THE POWER OF ACCOMPLISHING WHAT IT UNDERTAKES IS DENIED. There may be the will to do and the soul to dare what the hand is incompetent to execute. But it was not thus with the blessed Jesus, who undertook the bold work of saving lost men. His strength was equal to His courage, and He had power to execute all that His boldness purposed. Being God as well as man, no burden was too heavy for Him, no trial too severe.

III. THE IDEA SUGGESTED BY THE METAPHOR UNDER CONSIDERATION MAY WELL ANIMATE YOU TO STEADFASTNESS IN THE WORK OF THE LORD. Like your Divine Master, you too shall have powerful opposition to encounter, and formidable enemies to contend against. But the example which He has set may well arouse you to activity.

(J. L. Adamson.)


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