Catharine Smith
Catharine Smith was a native of Pabay, a small island in Loch Roag, where dwell seven families. From their insular situation and poverty, it has not been in the power of the parents to educate their children ; but little Kitty is an example of the truth that all God's children are taught of him, for when only two years old she was observed to lay aside her playthings, and clasp her little hands with reverence during family worship ; and at the age of three she was in the habit of repeating the 23d Psalm, with such relish and fervour as showed that she looked to the good shepherd in the character of a lamb of his flock. Her parents taught her also tbe I>ord's Prayer, which she repeated duly, not only at her stated times, hut often in the silence of night. She frequently pressed the duty of prayer, not only on the other children, but on her parents, and she told her father that, in their absence, v/hen she would ask a blessing- on the food left for the children, her brothers ...