The bliss of the Divine presence

 In Thy presence is fulness of joy.Heaven is often described by negatives, but here we have positive statement as to that in which it consists. Therefore consider its perfection.

I. IN EXTENT. The state contemplated will be after the resurrection, as it was for our Lord after His resurrection. Hence St. Paul says, "Our conversation is in heaven." And he tells us also of the "glorious body," the "spiritual body" which shall be ours then (1 Corinthians 15:44). And the mind also will partake in this glory, this fulness of joy. How much will result from memory. Also from survey of the present — the heavenly city, the glory of God, the Saviour, And the future, too, will minister to this joy. And the affections likewise, profound admiration, ardent gratitude, entire confidence, perfect love.

II. ITS DEGREE. This, too, will be perfect. There will be difference of capacity, and so of degree, which will be determined mainly by character. All that hinders full excellence here will be absent there.

III. IN DURATION. It will be endless, and therefore perfect. "These are pleasures for evermore." Without this we could not be satisfied. "A perpetuity of bliss is bliss." Could we fear an end to it, it would wither. Many have denied eternal punishment, but none eternal bliss. Remember its spirituality and purity, and anticipate it with joy.

(J. Kay.)


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