Sit loose on the enjoyments of the world

It is quite right for a believer to use the things of this world, and to rejoice in them. None has such a right as the believer has, to rejoice and be happy. He has a right to use the bodily comforts of the world — to eat his food "with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God." He has a right to all the joys of home, and kindred, and friendship. It is highly proper that he should enjoy these things. He has a right to all the pure pleasures of mind, of intellect, and imagination; for God has given him all things richly to enjoy.
Still, he should "rejoice as though he rejoiced not, and use this world as not abusing it;" for "the time is short." In a little while, you will be at your Father's table above, drinking the new wine with Christ! You will meet with all your brothers and sisters in Christ. You will have pure joy in God through ceaseless ages! Do not be much taken with the fleeting joys of this poor world.
I have noticed children, when they were going out to a feast, they would eat but sparingly, that they might have a keener appetite for the coming dainties. Just so, dear friends, you are going to a feast above, do not dull your appetite with earthly joys — sit loosely to them all — look upon them all as fading away.
As you walk through a flower garden, you never think of lying down, to make your home among its roses. Just so, pass through the garden of this world's best joys. Smell the flowers in passing — but do not tarry. Jesus calls you to His banqueting house — there you will feed among the lilies on the mountains of spices. Oh! it ill befits a child of God to be fond of an earthly banquet — when you shall sit down so soon with Jesus! It ill befits you to be much taken up with dress and show, when you are so soon to see the face that was crowned with thorns! Brethren, never be so much taken up with any worldly enjoyment that it takes away your love for prayer or for your Bible, or that it would frighten you to hear the cry: "The Bridegroom comes!" Oh! sit loose to this world's joy! "The time is short."


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