I. THE PRACTICE OF SINGING. Old Testament saints, as well as New, seem never weary of celebrating the praises of their Lord and Saviour; because He was made an offering for their sins, dead, risen, and ascended to His throne. And this is still the sweetest subject in the Church of Christ; for happy are they who have the Lord for their God — yea, thrice happy they who have "the kingdom of God" set up within them, which "is righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost."
II. THE OBJECT OF SINGING PSALMS. The object of singing is, we see distinctly, the praise of Jesus. It is very important for you to notice that; for as the joy of the believer arises from his conscious standing in Jesus, so this joy is expressed in celebrating the praises of the glorious person and redeeming work of Jesus — for "God would have all men to honour the Son even as they honour the Father." Singing is the outward expression of inward joy; and this is no doubt why the Holy Ghost has enjoined it on believers. It shows their sense of the infinite love of God in Christ Jesus. But at the same time that believers find joy in singing the praises of Jesus, as they are set forth in the Book of Psalms, they may also as they sing learn lessons for the practice of daily life. They have an interest not only in all Jesus was, but also in what Jesus is. Do they see that His trust in God was unshaken? They trust Him to make theirs steadfast also. Again: was His walk "holy, and harmless, and undefiled," so that He could say in truth, "I have set the Lord alway before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved"? Then they depend upon Him for strength to tread in His steps. Were His tempers perfectly holy, so that He could say, "Thou hast proved Mine heart; Thou hast visited Me in the night; Thou hast tried Me, and shalt find nothing; I am purposed that My mouth shall not transgress"? — when, I say, they sing of this, they admire His example, and through His Spirit they strive daily to "put off the old man" and to "put on the new." Again: was He carried through the greatest sufferings in perfect resignation, so that He could say, "Not My will, but Thine, O Lord, be done"? Then may they look up to Him in every trial for His promised support. Have the "everlasting gates" been opened, and "the King of glory" gone in? It is promised to them that they shall "see the King in His beauty" — yea, that they shall partake of that very glory.
III. THE SPIRIT IN WHICH WE ARE TO SING. Two things are necessary — that a man should sing spiritually, and that he should sing intelligently — that he should know what he has to thank God for, otherwise he cannot do it intelligently. Have we not mercies to thank God for? Why not, then, join the Church of Christ in thanking Him for them? The believer should live as he sings; his life should be in harmony with his principles.
(J. W. Reeve, M.A.)


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