There seem to be many in our day who are seeking God. Yet they appear to be but feeling after Him, in order to find Him, as if He were either a distant or an unknown God. They forget that He is “not far from every one of us” (Act 17:27), for “in him we live, and move, and have our being” (v. 28). That He is not far; that He has come down; that He has come near: this is the “beginning of the gospel” (Mar 1:1). It sets aside the vain thoughts of those who think that they must bring Him near by their prayers and devout performances. He has shewn Himself to us that we may know Him, and in knowing Him, find the life of our souls. Some have tried to give directions to sinners “how to get converted,” multiplying words without wisdom, leading the sinner away from the Cross by setting him upon doing, not upon believing. Our business is not to give any such directions, but, as the apostles did, to preach Christ crucified, a present Saviour, and a present salvation. Then it is that sinners are converted, as the Lord Himself said, “I, if I be lifted up...will draw all men unto me” (Joh 12:32).


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