
Sin in the soul, is like Jonah in the ship  it 
turns the smoothest water into a troubled ocean. 
We must mourn for sin on earth, or burn for sin 
in hell. It is the coldness of our hearts, which 
kindles the fire of God's anger. They shall look 
upon him whom they have pierced, and mourn for 
him, as one that mourneth for his only son; and 
shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bit- 
terness for his first born. — Christians! the nails 
that pierced his hands, should now pierce your 
hearts : you should now be deeply wounded with 
godly sorrow, for having so deeply wounded him 
with your deadly sins. It should grieve your 
spirits, to remember how much you have grieved 
his Spirit. 


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