A disciple of Jesus is one who is admitted by
the Lord Jesus into His school—whom He Himself
condescends personally to instruct—and who
therefore learns of Him to be meek and lowly
of heart.

A disciple of Jesus is one who sits meekly at
the Redeemer's feet—receiving into his heart
the gracious words which fall from His lips.

But a true and sincere disciple not only listens to
his Master's instructions, but acts as He bids. So
a disciple of Jesus is one who copies his Master's
example—and is conformed to his Master's image.

A disciple of Jesus is also characterized by the love
which he bears to his Master—he is one who treasures
up the words of Christ in his heart—ponders over His
precious promises—and delights in His glorious Person,
love, and blood.

A disciple of Jesus is one who bears some reflection
to the image of his heavenly Master—he carries it
about with him wherever he goes—that men may
take knowledge of him, that he has been with Jesus.
The true disciple shines before men with some
sparkles of the glory of the Son of God.

To have some of these divine features stamped upon
the heart, lip, and life—is to be a disciple of Jesus.

To be much with Jesus is to be made like unto Jesus—
to sit at Jesus' feet is to drink in Jesus' words—to lean
upon Jesus' breast is to feel the warm heart of Jesus
pulsating with love—and to feel this pulsation, causes
the heart of the disciple to beat in tender and
affectionate unison—to look up to Jesus, is to see a
face more marred than the sons of men; yet a face
beaming with heavenly beauty, dignity, and glory.

To be a disciple of Jesus, is to copy His example—
to do the things pleasing in His sight—and to avoid
the things which He abhors.

To be a disciple of Jesus, is to be as . . .
meek as He was;
humble as He was;
lowly as He was;
self-denying as He was;
separate from the world as He was;
living a life of communion with God—
as He lived when He walked here below.

To take a worm of the earth and make him a
disciple of Jesus is the greatest privilege God
can bestow upon man! To select an obstinate,
ungodly, perverse rebel, and place him in the
school of Christ and at the feet of Jesus—is the
highest favor God can bestow upon any child of
the dust.

How unsurpassingly great must be that kindness
whereby the Lord condescends to bestow His grace
on an enemy—and to soften and meeken him by
His Spirit—and thus cause him to grow up into the
image and likeness of His own dear Son. Compared
with this high privilege—all earthly honors, titles and
robes sink into utter insignificance.


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