“Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.” —Proverbs 13:10
Most accurately is contention here traced to its proper source. “He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife” (Pro 28:25). All the crudeness of the day, all the novelties of doctrine producing contention (1Ti 1:4; 2Ti 2:23), originate in the proud swelling of “the fleshly mind” (Col 2:18; 1Ti 6:3-4). Men scorn the beaten track. They must strike out a new path. Singularity and extravagance are primary charms. They are ready to quarrel with everyone who does not value their notions as highly as they do. The desire of pre-eminence, “I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not” (3Jo 9); revolt from authority (Num 12:2) or sound doctrine (2Ti 4:3-4); party spirit, with the pride of knowledge and gifts (1Co 3:3-4 with 4:8)—all produce the same results. Is it too much to say that vain-glory hath lighted up all the sinful contentions that have ever kindled in the Church? We must indeed “contend for the faith” (Gal 2:5; 1Th 2:2; Jude 3), though it be with our own compromising brethren (Gal 2:11). But even here how yet imperceptibly may pride insinuate itself under the cover of glorifying God! Truly is it “the inmost coat, which we put on first and put off last."
This mischievous principle spreads in families or among friends. “Some point of honour must be maintained; some affront must be resented; some rival must be crushed or eclipsed; some renowned character emulated; or some superior equalled and surpassed.” Even in trifling disputes between relatives or neighbours—perhaps between Christians—each party contends vehemently for his rights, instead of satisfying himself with the testimony of his conscience, and submitting rather to be misunderstood and misjudged than to break the bond of the divine brotherhood (1Co 6:7). In the wide field of the world we may well ask, “From whence come wars and fightings among you? Come they not from this lust” (Jam 4:1)? Often has wounded pride (Jdg 12:1), even without any proved injury (2Ki 14:10), brought destructive contention upon a land.
The proud man conceives himself wise enough. He asks no counsel, and thus proves his want ofwisdom. But with the modest, well-advised, there is the wisdom that is from above, “which is first pure, then peaceable” (Jam 3:17, with 3:14-16). Many a rising contention has it quelled (Gen 13:8; Jdg 8:1-3; Act 6:1-6). “Let nothing be done through strife or vain-glory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves” (Phi 2:3). Christian wisdom will keep us within our own line, knowing our own measure and bounds (2Co 10:13-16), and—whatever be our place, parts, or gifts—humble, active, loving, constant, thankful, in the improvement of them.


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