The Word Preached did not Profit them.
THE Scriptures are not only Doctrinal, but also Historical; they contain matters of Fact, as well as Articles of Faith.Amongst the many matters of Fact Recorded, the Evils Committed, and the Evils Suffered by the People of God, are none of the fewest; their sins and punishments stand upon Record, and are handed down to Succeeding Generations: One great Design of God in Transmitting them to Af|ter ages is, that men might be Warned against falling into the like sins, least they
fall under a like Dispensation of Wrath; this is the declared end of God in penning down the Sin and Destruction of the Israelites in the Wilderness, 1 Cor. 10. 11. All these things happened unto them for Ensamples and they are written for our Admonition, upon whom the Ends of the World are come. The Apostle Paul, in compliance with this Design of God, makes a Practical Improvement of the Israelites Unbelief and Exclusion from the Rest of God, in this Chapter, wherein is our Text, & the preceding; he tells us that the People of Israel had a Promise of Rest given unto them, but by reason of their Unbelief, they Entred not thereinto: He also tells us, That the same Promise of Rest given to them, is likewise given to us; and therefore cautions us against falling after their Example of Unbelief. That we have the Promise of Gods Rest remaining to us under the New Testament, the Apostle proves, from our being Gospelized as well as they; the same Gospel that was Preached unto them, is Preached unto us; and consequently all the Promises of Spiritual and Eternal Rest appertaining thereunto, are given unto us.


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