The Anxious Inquirer

 And then what a blessing is salvation ! A 
blessing that includes all the riches of grace, and all 
the greater riches of glory ; deliverance from sin, 
death, and hell ; the possession of pardon, peace, 
holiness, and heaven ; a blessing, in short, immense, 
infinite, everlasting: which occupied the mind of 
Deity from eternity, was procured by the Son of God 
upon the cross, and which will fill eternity with its 
happiness. Oh, how little, how insignificant, how 
contemptible, is the highest object of human ambi- 
tion, to say nothing of the lower matters of men's 
desires, compared with salvation I Riches, rank, fame, 
honours, are but as the small dust of the balance, 
when compared with the " salvation which is in 
Christ Jesus with eternal glory." Who that pretends 
to the least regard to his own happiness would not 
say, " What shall I do to be saved ?" 


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