I call on those who have, in some measure, believed the Trinity of Divine Persons, to consider, what majestic glory is in this name, I AM THAT I AM, when we remember that it belongs equally, in its full emphasis, to Three distinct persons. Low ideas of the Godhead itself, make the doctrine of the Trinity insipid and empty, to many who speculatively believe it. But, in proportion as our ideas of the Divine Essence are raised and expanded, so will our admiration and delight be increased, while we contemplate the Father, Son, and Spirit as each of them infinitely glorious in the possession of this wonderful abyss of perfection. Thus, the beams of divine glory come upon our minds with accumulated force; and all that is glorious and excellent in the Divine Essence, appears unspeakably more so, while we think that, as the inspired writer asserts, "There are Three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; and these Three are One."


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