Young convert

Let me tell you a word of another gentle lamb, whom Jesus 
gathered, and whom I saw on her way from grace to glory. She 
was early brought to Christ, and early taken to be with Him where 
He is. She told her companions that she generally fell asleep on 
these words, " His left hand is under my head, and his right hand 
doth embrace me ;" and sometimes on these, " Underneath are the 
everlasting arms." She said she did not know how it was, but 
somehow she felt that Christ was always near her. Another time 
she said, " I think it's the best way to make myself as loathsome 
as I can before Him, and then to look to Jesus." When seized 
with her last illness, and told that the doctors thought she would 
not live long, she looked quite composed, and said, " I am very 
happy at that." She said she could not love Jesus enough here ; 
that she would like to be with Him, and then she would love Him 
as she ought. To her tender, watchful relative she said, " I won- 
der at your often looking so grave. I'm surprised at it, for 1 
think I am the happiest person in the house. I have every tem- 
poral comfort, and then I am going to Jesus." After a companion 
had been with her, she said, " Margaret quite entered into my 
happiness ; she did not look grave, but smiled ; that showed how 
much she loves me." When sitting one evening, her head resting 
on a pillow, she was asked, " Is there anything the matter, my 
darling?" " Oh," she said, "I am only weak. I am quite happy. 
Jesus has said, * Thou art mine.'" Another day, when near her 
last, one said to her, ''Have you been praying much to-day?" 


" Yes," she replied, " and I have been trying to praise too." " And 
what have you been praising for?" "I praise God," she said, 
" for all the comforts I have. I praise Him for many kind friends, 
you know He is the foundation oi all; and I praise Him for taking 
a sinner to glory." 

These are a few of the many golden sayings of this lamb of 
Christ, now, I trust, safe in the fold above. Would you wish to 
be gathered thus ? Go now to some lonely place  kneel down, 
and call upon the Lord Jesus. Do not leave your knees until you 
find Him. Pray to be gathered with his arm, and carried in his 
bosom. Take hold of the hem of his garment, and say, " I must 
not ” I dare not  I will not let Thee go except Thou bless me." 

seek him in earnest, and seek Him in time, 

For they that seek early shall find ; 
While they that neglect Him are hardened in crime, 
And never can come to this pure blessed clime  

They perish in anguish of mind. 



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