How sweet it is to trace the Lord's hand in providence . . . to look back on the chequered path that He has led us by; to see how His hand has been with us for good; what difficulties He has brought us through; in what straits He has appeared; how in things most trying He has wrought deliverance; and how He has sustained us to the present hour. How sweet are providential favours when they come stamped with this inscription, "This is from the Lord!" How precious every temporal mercy becomes —our very food, lodging, and clothing! How sweet is the least thing when it comes down to us as from God's hands! A man cannot know the sweetness of his daily bread until he sees that God gives it to him—nor the blessedness of any providential dealing until he can say, "God has done this for me—and given that to me." When a man sees the providence of God stamped on every action of life, it casts a g...