Love to God
OF LOVE TO GOD I proceed to the second general branch of the text. The persons interested in this privilege. They are lovers of God. "All things work together for good, to them that love God." Despisers and haters of God have no lot or part in this privilege. It is children’s bread, it belongs only to them that love God. Because love is the very heart and spirit of religion. I shall the more fully treat upon this; and for the further discussion of it, let us notice these five things concerning love to God. 1. The nature of love to God. Love is an expansion of soul. or the inflaming of the affections, by which a Christian breathes after God as the supreme and sovereign good. Love is to the soul as the weights to the clock, it sets the soul a-going towards God, as the wings by which we fly to heaven. By love we cleave to God, as the needle to the loadstone. 2. The ground of love to God; that is, knowledge. We cannot love that which we do not know. That our...