Sovereign God

To represent God , as supremely governed by a benevolent regard to his creatures, is a plausible view of things, and pleasing to the mind of man. But it is a view of things, which ,when duly examined , originates in athiesm , or in a denial of the chief excellencies of the Divine Being. If we admit the idea of a God of infinite perfection , it immediately follows , that this God must find in himself the object of his own highest love. A God of infinite perfection , must be supremely enamoured with himself . And the consequence of this is , that in his government of created beings , his ultimate end must be his own glory . And though supreme perfection excludes every mixture of malevolence ;though it brings with it an overflowing of goodness, which no limited mind can comprehend ; yet still that goodness, in a God supremely perfect , must act in harmony , yea, in subordination to those claims , which a regard to his own honour and majesty, justly renders primary. John Love.


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