Resurrection and the Life

 It plainly supposes, that all Adam’s race are dead men and woman. Reader, no sooner did we
take the draught of deadly poison in paradise, but that moment the contagion ran through our first
parents’ souls, and has run through all of us, their posterity, ever since. We are legally dead; “The
soul that sinneth, shall die”; we are spiritually dead, under the power and dominion of sin, separated from God, who is the very fountain of life; and liable every moment both to temporal and
eternal death. Reader, death has reigned over all Adam’s family; and what a clean sweep has death
made of all the generations before us? It has just hurled one generation after another to the grave,
and hurled the souls of innumerable multitudes into hell; and that same sweep of death, that swept
away the generation before us, will surely sweep us away in a short time. Reader, where will you
and I be in a little time? Alas! the great reason why people do not consider this, is because they are
sleeping, and do not consider whether their landing shall be with glorified angels, or reprobate devils, and damned spirits, where the worm of conscience never dies, and the fire is not quenched.
Death is executing his office on every one of us; soul-death has seized us, in separating us from
God: and bodily death will shortly separate between soul and body.
 Christ being the resurrection and the life plainly implies, that the Son of God was sent into
this lower world, to give life to the dead. He got His commission as Mediator from the Father, to
quicken the dead; He said to the Son from eternity, Go and give life to these dead sinners. Accordingly, the Son of God, having got His commission, pays them a visit, and says to them, Life; He had
power to do it, “Thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as
many as thou hast given him” (Joh 17:2). And I conceive it was with a view to this, that Christ says
(Joh 5:26): “As the Father hath life in himself, so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself.”
There is a twofold life the Son of God has; there is His essential life, considered as God, for He has
this essentially from eternity: but then He has a mediatorial life, gifted and bestowed upon Him as
a second Adam; and that life He has a commission to give to dead sinners of Adam’s family; He has
“received gifts for men, even for the rebellious”: and this was the leading gift He was to bestow,
even everlasting life, and all the benefits of it.


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