
Do you keep Christ in your power or lie in His ? Strange question you will say ; How could we keep Christ in our power although we would ?True, you cannot ascend into heaven and drag Messiah from his throne ;but those who are determined to have Christ at their disposal take not the power but the word , and make it lie where it will disturb them least . Some persecutors , when the victim is beyond their reach, dress and execute his effigy . Thus some who are called Christians treat Christ . They keep a lifeless image which bears his name , having it outside the door while they entertain company within , and subjecting it to a thousand indignities . The name and the garb they will endure , but not the life or power . The same persons who bow the knee and cry , Hosanna ! before the Christian religion , crucify Christ because he claims to be a King . The struggle of rebellion is painful ; but simple , trustful , loyal obedience is sweet. Those who have surrendered without reserve to the Redeemer's claim of sovereignty, bear witness willingly that his yoke is easy and his burden light .


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