Self - Existence

Into how profound an abyss is a man cast at the thought of it ! How doth it overwhelm and swallow up his mind and his whole soul ! With what satisfaction and delight must he see himself comprehended of what he finds he can never comprehend ! For contemplating the self - existing Being , he finds it eternally , necessarily , never not existing !  He can have no thought of the self existing Being , as such , but as always existing , as having existed always , as always certain to exist . Inquiring into the spring and source of this Being's existence , Whence is it that it doth exist ? His own notion of a self existing Being , which is not arbitrarily taken up , but which the reason of things hath imposed upon him , gives him his answer , and it can be no other , in that it is a self existing Being ; it hath it of itself , that it doth exist . It is an eternal , everlasting , Spring and Fountain of perpetually existent being to itself. What a glorious excellency of being is this ! What can it mean , but the greatest remoteness from nothing that is possible ;i.e. the most absolute fulness and plenitude of all being and perfection ? And whereas all caused beings , as such , is , to every mans understanding , confined within certain limits ; what can the uncaused self-existent Being be , but the most unlimited , infinite , all comprehending , and most absolutely perfect ? Nothing , therefore can be more evident , than that the self - existent Being must be the absolutely perfect Being .   John Howe


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