
"O Israel trust thou in the Lord. He is their help and their shield "
What especial encouragement is here to the faithful minister of Christ ! What a tower of all prevailing strength to the humble labourers in the Gospel field ! They seem tow in weakness the seed of a few weak words . But it takes root . A gracious plant springs up . It sheds forth fragrance like Eden , and bears fruit for the garner of the King of Kings . It thus flourishes , though checked by ungenial climate - scorched by fiery suns - battered by rain and hail . The boar out of the wood cannot waste it ; nor the wild beast of the field devour it . How is this ? "Upon all the glory is a defence ." No weapon that is formed against it ,can prosper ; For the word of the Lord is truth , "I am thy shield."
Therefore ,ye servants of the living God , bless His Holy name . He always causes you to triumph in Christ . Go on in the corslet of faith , and under the covering of your Lord . Soon will the conflict end ; and in Salvation's Kingdom , you will sing the glories of Salvation's Shield .   Law


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