
Showing posts from September, 2009


Such are the rewards provided for those who make sacrifices for Christ's sake . Their sacrifices are but a seed sown in tears , from which they afterwards reap a plentiful harvest in joy .But what now of those who have made no sacrifices , who have received no wounds in battle.? If this has proceeded not from lack of will , but lack of opportunity, they will get a share of the rewards. David's law has its place in the divine kingdom:"As his part is that goeth down to the battle , so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff; they shall part alike." Only all must see to it that they remain not by the stuff from cowardice , or indolence or self- indulgence. They who act thus , declining to put themselves to any trouble, to run any risk, or even so much as to part with a sinful lust for the kingdom of God , cannot expect to find a place therein at the last.


The world that is most opposed to Christ, Antichrist itself , is to be found , not in Heathendom ,but in Christiandom; not among the irreligious and the sceptical, but among those who account themselves the peculiar people of God.

Psalm 37:v 11.

But the meek shall inherit the earth: and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. The" meek" are they who bear their own adversities, and the prosperity of their enemies, without envy, anger, or complaint. For these there is a possession in the kingdom and city of the Prince of "Peace", which "the Lord ,the righteous Judge shall give them at that day. Blessed are the meek ", saith the Lord and Judge himself, " for they shall inherit the earth,"-Matthew.5v 5." In the meantime ,they, and they only, possess the present earth, as they go toward the kingdom of heaven, by being humble ,and cheerful ,and content with what their good God has allotted them. They have no turbulent , repining , vexatious thoughts that they deserve better; nor are vexed when they see others possessed of more honour, or more riches, than their wise God has allotted for their share. But they possess what they have with a meek and contented quietness; suc...


O God the heathen have come into thine inheritance, thy holy temple they have defiled; they have laid Jerusalem on heaps. Three deplorable calamities are here enumerated by the faithful; the alienation of God's inheritance , the profanation of the sanctuary, and the desolation of the beloved city. When we represent in our prayers, the sufferings and humiliation of the church, we take an effectual method of awakening the compassion, and recalling the favour of heaven. Every redeemed soul is the inheritance , the temple , the city of God . When sin enters , and takes possession , the inheritance is alienated, the temple defiled, the city desolated.


A God unknown in time shall be fearfully known in eternity.

Donald Cargill

Donald Cargill was born about the year 1610 in the parish of Rattray , in Perthshire . His father was desirous of providing for his son a good education, and was resolved to make him a minister of the Gospel. Actuated by much love for Christ , his father entreated him to give the matter serious consideration. Donald set apart a day for seeking , by fasting and prayer, direction from on high as to his future course. As he pondered and prayed, the words of the man on the sapphire throne to the prophet Ezekiel made a deep impression on him, " Son of Man , eat this roll , and go speak unto the house of Israel." He felt that he could no longer forbear to comply with his father's request and set about making preparations to become an ambassador for Christ . These very words were the text assigned young Cargill by the presbytery before ordination . This singular fact would confirm him in the resolution to which he had come , and stimulate him to make a close acquaintance with ...