Luke.18:18:-"And a certain ruler asked him, saying ,Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life."
Our Lord knew the ruler's heart, and gave him the answer that was most likely to bring to light the real state of his soul. He reminds him of the ten commandments. He recites some of the principle requirements of the second table of the law. At once the spiritual blindness of the inquirer was detected. "All these ."said the man,"I have kept from my youth up." An answer more full of darkness and self- ignorance it is impossible to conceive!He who made it could have known nothing rightly, either about himself ,or God, or God's law.Does the case of this rich ruler stand alone ?Do we suppose there are none like him in this present day? If we do we are greatly deceived. There are thousands in all our congregations who have not the least idea of the spiritual nature of God's law, and consequently know nothing of their own sinfulness. They do not see that God requires "truth in the inward parts"and that we may break commandments in 0ur hearts, even when we do not break them in outward actions(Matthew.5.21-28)To be delivered from such blindness is one of the first things needful for our salvation.No man really taught of the Spirit will ever talk of having "kept all God's commandments from his youth." He will rather cry with Paul, "The law is spiritual, but I am carnal.""I know that in me dwelleth no good thing."
There seemed at first sight no reason why he should not be taught in the way of God , and become a disciple. But there was one thing ,unhappily, which he loved better than" eternal life."That thing was his money. When invited by Christ to give up all that he had on earth, and seek his treasure in heaven, he had not faith to accept the invitation. The love of money was his master sin. Shipwrecks like this are too common in the church of Christ. Many are willing to give up everything for Christ's sake, except one darling sin, and for the sake of that sin are lost forevermore. There must be no reserve in our hearts, if we would receive anything at Christ's hands. We must be willing to part with anything, however dear it may be, if it stands between us and our salvation. We must be ready to cut off the right hand and pluck out the right eye, to make any sacrifice, and to break any idol. Life eternal is at stake.
"How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!.It is easier for a camel to go through a needles eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."


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