What meanest thou, 0 sleeper?
, Jonah i. 5, 6. What meanest thou, 0 sleeper? Arise, call upon thy God, if so be that God will think upon us, that we perish not. A sad case! A Heathen ship master challenging a godly prophet for his neglect of seeking God! He calls him by a shameful, but well-deserved name, 0 sleeper. The storm cams on for Jonah's sake, as he told them, vet. 12.: yet he is the securest person in the ship. He only knew God, yet he is last in calling on him. An honest Pagan may outdo a distempered prophet, in some things, at some times. This sense was expressed greatly by the king, nobles, and inhabitants of Nineveh, Jonah iii. 5,—10. And they again go far beyond Jonah. They believed God on Jonah's preaching, repented, prayed, and fasted; and the Lord repented of the evil. But Jonah was not grieved at all, chap. iv. 1, 2. If it were not for his excellent prayer, chap. ii. and that he was a prophet of the Lord, and the penman of the Holy Ghost, to record his own sin and shame, for the benefit o...