I have laid help upon One that is mighty.

Psalm 89:19 Our helper W. Jay. I. WE NEED HELP. Christianity does three things for us, which Deism does not. 1. It tells us that this was not our original state; that God made man upright, but he sought out many inventions. 2. It checks much of the evil now: by its direct influence in many cases, and by its indirect influence in many more; in humanizing war, in abolishing slavery, in taming the human passions; it has been the harbinger of peace, and has done more for man than all human institutions in the aggregate beside. 3. It tells us of a remedy for all this, and this is placed within our reach, if we would avail ourselves of it; and therefore if we perish in this state, the blame will be our own. — II. GOD HAS PROVIDED HELP FOR US. 1. This help includes redemption. "With the Lord there is plenteous redemption." "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us." Thus the burden too heavy to be borne is rolled off the conscience...