
Showing posts from February, 2024

I have laid help upon One that is mighty.

Psalm 89:19 Our helper W. Jay. I. WE NEED HELP. Christianity does three things for us, which Deism does not. 1. It tells us that this was not our original state; that God made man upright, but he sought out many inventions. 2. It checks much of the evil now: by its direct influence in many cases, and by its indirect influence in many more; in humanizing war, in abolishing slavery, in taming the human passions; it has been the harbinger of peace, and has done more for man than all human institutions in the aggregate beside. 3. It tells us of a remedy for all this, and this is placed within our reach, if we would avail ourselves of it; and therefore if we perish in this state, the blame will be our own. — II. GOD HAS PROVIDED HELP FOR US. 1. This help includes redemption. "With the Lord there is plenteous redemption." "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us." Thus the burden too heavy to be borne is rolled off the conscience...

The silence of Christ

Yet He opened not His mouth Isaish 53 J. I. Blackburn. (with Matthew 26:63; Matthew 27:14): — What can be said of the silence of Christ? Much has been said of the words He spake, and too much can never be said of them, for He spake as never man spake. Much has been said of the sacrifice He made. Much has been said of His miracles, etc., but how little of His silence, and yet how full of meaning to every thoughtful and inquiring-mind. I. IT WAS WONDERFUL. Wonderful that Christ should remain silent, especially under false accusations — false witnesses giving testimony against Him, and a wicked judge about to deliver the charge. He who could with one word have made the world tremble, witnesses, judge and jury fall dead before Him, testifying to His innocence as well as His Divinity by their lifeless bodies. The silent years of Christ — how wonderful! He who knew so well how to speak and what to say. But, we can understand something of this — it was a time of restraint, of growth, of pre...