Isa. xxii. 13. Let us eat and) drink, for to-morrow we shall die.
Isa. xxii. 13. Let us eat and) drink, for to-morrow we shall die. A strange argument. Approach of death usually mars the taste of pleasure. The handwriting on the wall, even when not known, marred Belshazzar cheer, Dan. v. This is a very miserable and sinful case. It springs from men's being ignorant of the true remedy, when they were sick of sin; and because all the physic and physicians they used and tried did them no good, they conclude their sickness is unto death. But let such know, that there is hope in Israel concerning this thing. Only come and see, and try what may be done. Beware of despair; it is the devil's sin, But he hath reason for it: for he is condemned; and all doors of hope are eternally shut upon him, or rather none was ever opened to him. But for a man that hath the riches of God's long suffering, forbearance, and patience, (Rom. ii. 4.), daily laid out upon him; that hath the door of grace set open to him, and the Lord calling, entreating, promising ...