
Showing posts from May, 2023

Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit. Jeremiah 9:6

Strong indictment of Christian countries Who has not felt as Jeremiah? "This is a Christian country." Why? Because the majority are as bent on self-pleasing, as careless of God, as heartlessly and systematically forgetful of the rights and claims of others, as they would have been had Christ never been heard of? 1. A Christian country? Behold its meaningless shibboleths, its two hundred forms or fashions of Christian belief! How this disunion dishonours Christ. 2. A Christian country? Behold the worship of mammon, the rage of avarice. Look at the wonderful baits which the company monger throws out day by day to human weakness and cupidity! The lying advertisements, the countless quacks, raising hopes never to be fulfilled. 3. A Christian country, and God denied on the platform and in the press! Where atheism is mistaken for intelligence, and agnosticism for logic and reason! Where flagrant lust walks the streets, and gambling reigns! 4. A Christian country: where the ri...

Thou hast left thy first love

—Revelation 2:4 In the verses preceding Revelation 2:4, eight signs are mentioned that show the zeal and activity of the church at Ephesus. But there was one bad sign, and the Lord said, “I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent” (v. 5). And what was this sign? “Thou hast left thy first love.” We find the same lack in the church of the present day. There is zeal for the truth, there is continuous and persevering labor, but what the Lord values most is still missing: the tender, fervent love for Himself. This is a thought of great significance. A church, or even an individual Christian, may be an example in every good work, and yet the tender love for the Lord Jesus in the inner chamber is missing. There is no personal, daily fellowship with Christ, and all the manifold activities with which people satisfy themselves are nothing in the eyes of the Master Himself. Dear brother or sister in Christ, this book speaks of the fellowsh...

All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, - All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. (Matthew 28:18) WHAT an empire is this! Heaven and earth – the Church militant – the Church triumphant – angels and archangels – saints and seraphs. At His mandate the billows were hushed – demons crouched in terror – the grave yielded its prey! “Upon His head are many crowns.” He is made “head over all things to His Church.” Yes! Over all things, from the minutest to the mightiest. He holds the stars in His right hand: – He walks in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks, feeding every candlestick with the oil of His grace, and preserving every star in its spiritual orbit. The Prince of Darkness has “a power,” but, God be praised, it is not an “all power;” potent, but not omnipotent. Christ holds him in a chain. He hath set bounds that he may not pass over. “Satan,” we read in the book of Job, “went out (Chaldee paraphrase, ‘with a license’) from the presence of the Lord.” He wa...

Death of Christ

There are several thoughts in mens hearts about Christ's dying. 1. Some think of Christ's death as brought about by the wicked hands of sinners. This is a poor thought, if there be no more. This thought is natural to any that read the history of his death. Carnal men may hate Judas that betrayed him, Pilate that condemned him, the priests that cried Crucify Him, and the people that did it. If this be all, I may say, the devils have a higher thought of Christ's death, and that which comes nearer to the truth, than this sorry one. 2. Some go further, and think of Christ's death as it was a fulfilling of the purpose and word of God concerning him. This Christ teacher us in Luke xxi y. 26, 44, 46.; and the apostles frequently in their preaching of Christ. 3. There is a higher thought of Christ's death; and that is, That Christ died, by the stroke of God's law and justice, for his people. Justice roused itself against our Lord: Czech. xiii. 7. Awake, O sword, against...