History of Lewis Revivals 1800s
There are five natives of the parish of Uig who were enlisted when a regiment was raised on the island, and having gone with the army to Egypt, lost their sight by ophthalmy, and after their return have become acquainted with the doctrines of the gospel. It is common with them to bless God for having taken away their bodily eyes, since they regard that as one of the instruments in his hand for opening the mental sight, which was before in a state of darkness. Three of them are active fellow-helpers in the extension of Christian truth and consolation. One is a most efficient and zealous elder in the parish of Uig; of another we shall have occasion to relate a curious circumstance under the head of liberality ; and of the third we present the following well authenticated narrative, under the head of prayerfulness. This blind man, whose name even is unknown to us, had the affliction of losing a wife who was a very pious character. She left a daughter old enough to distinguish the excellen...