THE LOVE OF GOD AND OBEDIENCE TO HIS COMMANDS, THE PRODUCT OF IT. 1. The love of God has its rise from the consideration of His amiable excellences, that render Him infinitely worthy of the highest affection; and from the blessed benefits of creation, preservation, redemption, and glorification, that we expect from His pure goodness and mercy. 2. The obedience that springs from love is —(1) Uniform and universal.(2) This is a natural consequence of the former. The Divine law is a rule, not only for our outward conversation, but of our thoughts and affections, of all the interior workings of the soul that are open before God.(3) Chosen and pleasant ( 1 John 5:3 ). The sharpest sufferings for religion are sweetened to a saint from the love of God, that is then most sincerely, strongly, and purely acted ( 2 Corinthians 12:10 ).(4) The love of God produces persevering obedience. Servile compliance is inconstant. IV. FROM THE LOVE OF GOD, AND WILLING OBEDIENCE...