Thou hast ravished my heart...... Song of Solomon 4:9
Love in Christ to a believer, hath strong and wonderful effects on him, in reference to them. 2. The believer hath Christ’s heart, he hath a seat in his affection, he possesseth his love (for no other thing hath his heart) and he may promise himself from Christ, whatever he can desire for his good, even as if be had his heart under his command; for (so to speak) he can refuse believers nothing, which they seek, and which he knows to be for their good. 3. Love in Christ to a believer, it is at a height, or, it is a love of the highest degree: there is no greater intenseness thereof imaginable; for to have the ‘heart ravished,’ is the expression of the greatest love. #%) 3. The manner how he expreseth this, is by doubling the expression, ‘Thou hast ravished my heart--thou hast ravished my heart:’ and this is to shew, that this word fell not rashly from him, but was drawn out by the vehemency of affection in him. 2. That he allows believers to believe this great love and affection h...