
Showing posts from April, 2010


"Behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha."  2Kings. 6: 17.So it is with each of God's saints We cannot see , because of the imperfection of mortal vision, the harnessed squadrons of fire and light; but the Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him , and delivereth them . If our eyes were opened , we should see the angel-hosts as an encircling fence of fire ; but whether we see them or not , they are certainly there.

Romans 10

2. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God , but not according to knowledge . 3. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness , and going about to establish their own righteousness , have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God . 4. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth. As Israel was in the days of the apostle , so is the Church in this ,our day .We must be found in Him without our own righteousness , which is of the law, but the righteousness which of God by faith.


Avoid company where it is not profitable or necessary , and on those occasions speak little, and last . Silence is wisdom where speaking is folly, and always safe . If you think twice before you speak once , you will speak twice the better of it . Better say nothing than not to the purpose. And to speak pertinentely , consider both what is fit , and when it is fit to speak .     In all debates  let truth be your aim , not victory or an unjust interest ; and endeavour to gain , rather than expose your antagonist . Give no advantage in argument , nor lose any that is offered . To inform , or to be informed , ought to be end of all conferences . Men are too apt to be concerned for their credit more than for the cause .


This is the present world's wise man and politician. At best he may be a cunning man, a sort of lurker in politics . He is for every cause that brings him gain, but implacable if disappointed of success. He sails with all winds , and is never out of his way where anything is to be had . True to nothing but himself, and false to all persons and parties , he is a privateer indeed , and everywhere a very bird of prey .    Such men as give themselves the latitude of saying what they do not mean , come to be errant jockeys at more things than one , but in religion and politics its most pernicious. To hear two men talk the reverse of their own sentiments , with all the good  breeding and appearance of friendship imaginable , on purpose to cozen or pump each other , is to a man of virtue and honour one of the melancholiest, as well as most nauseous things in the world.    I remember a passage in one of  Queen Elizabeth's great men , as advice to his friend:...