
Showing posts from June, 2009

Come. by R. M. Maccheyne.

"I love them that love me, and those that seek me early shall find me".(Proverbs8:17) Come ,while the blossoms of thy years are brightest, Thou youthful wanderer in a flowery maze; Come, while the restless heart is bounding lightest, And joy's pure sunbeams tremble on thy ways; Come ,while sweet thoughts ,like summer buds unfolding, Waken rich feelings in the careless breast- While yet thy hand the ephemeral wreath is holding, Come and secure interminable rest. Soon will the freshness of thy days be over, And thy free buoyancy of soul be flown; Pleasure will fold her wing , and friend and lover Will to the embrace of the worm be gone; Those who now bless thee will have passed forever; Their looks of kindness will be lost to thee; Thou wilt need balm to heal thy spirit,s fever, And thy sick heart broods over years to be. Come ,while the morning of thy life is glowing, Ere the dim phantoms thou art chasing die-- Ere the gay spell, which earth is round thee throwing, Fades l...

John Knox

In these days of half- heartedness with regard to the truth of God, it is instructive and refreshing to turn over the pages of the past, and to read there of the noble faithfulness of those who witnessed for God in days gone by. One of the most noble bearers of testimony for truth was John Knox, of Scotland.The great principle which guided Knox in his work was the power and supremacy of the Word of God.His share in the great Reformation he desired to build upon the Bible; and in so doing, he made his work both noble and enduring. It would be well for us in these days to bring persons and their teachings to the test of scripture. Whatever will not bear the test is rotten, however pleasing it may appear on the surface. John Knox had many surprising escapes from the malicious designs of the enemies of the Reformation. He was accustomed to sit , in his own house at the head of table, with his back to the window. On one particular evening however, he would neither occupy the chair or allow...

Yahoo! 360° - Entries tagged "ministers"

Yahoo! 360° - Entries tagged "ministers"


Entry for 29 April 2009

Entry for 29 April 2009

Entry for 02 May 2009

Entry for 02 May 2009
On March 1st .1562, the massacre of Vassy took place, when a Huguenout congregation was surprised and cut to pieces. On June 8 th a law was passed that enabled any person to kill any Huguenot he might meet on the spot. This was more than the Reformed could bear, and we cannot be surprised that they felt the time had come for them to repel their miseries by the sword. France was thus plunged into civil war, which progressed with varying success. The Pope ,Pius 5., now intervened, and writing to Catherine, the queen -mother advised her to pursue the Huguenots" till the are all massacred; for it is only by the entire extermination of heretics that the Roman Catholic worship can be restored." Thus was the seed of one of the most dreadful crimes that ever disgraced humanity sown by a Pious pope! This crime is known as The Massacre of St. Bartholomew,which took place on Sunday morning, August 24 th 1572 . Preparations for thisawful deed were made with crafty skill, and they we...